ADHD Testing & Behavioral Evaluation
ADHD is a brain development condition that makes it very hard for a person to direct their attention to a non-preferred (boring) topic for an extended time. Children and adults with ADHD are also often impulsive. They may set out on one task, but get distracted by a /SQUIRREL!/ moment and completely forget their original mission and drift off to their favorite thing. Kids with ADHD often are more emotionally reactive than other children and harder to soothe. Schools (and often parents) see things like homework completed half way, completed but not turned in, or genuinely completed and lost in their backpack or locker. The phrase "smart, but scattered" can be applied to some of these children.
ADHD occurring on its own does not usually fall in the classic learning disability categories schools use to qualify a child for special education. A separate section of the law, section 504, does often apply. Children with a well-established ADHD diagnosis usually qualify for a 504 plan for some accommodations and supports at school. Kids and teens with ADHD often need substantial supports put in place at home and school to help them demonstrate what they have learned. Grades may be poor due to huge backlogs of incomplete and not turned-in work.
Adults with ADHD may find specific aspects of their job or managing home life unusually challenging or draining. In severe cases, the person may have a history of being fired from jobs or changing jobs and careers often as they become bored after they have mastered the essentials of the position. Close relationships can also be difficult if the partner’s expectations are much more than the person can accomplish.
During ADHD evaluations we work to verify the child meets criteria and we also look for areas to give practical support at home and at school. Methods to put more external motivation in place are almost always discussed. Therapy processes to address the very common defiant or irritable behaviors brought on by chronic school failure and likely homework battles at home can help turn dynamics around.
What are some signs of ADHD in children?
"Driven by a motor" every since they could walk. May play with sets of toys in very quick rotation.
Super talkative or just cannot keep their body still and in a chair. May do better when given permission to stand and fidget in place while working at their desk.
Work done at home, but forgotten at home; left in backpack/locker, or just forgetting to turn it in during class. Homework not written down or in scattered places, or needed books missing.
Attention span seems very short for their age. Long attention span for video games doesn't negate the previous.
Hard time taking turns compared to others their age or incredibly sore loser at games.
Has to be first in line all the time.
Caught up in daydreams during crucial times in class or with family.